
Soba are a type of Japanese noodles. They are made with buckwheat flour and wheat flour. There are different types of soba, but for this blog the most interesting...

The Terakawawase Tea Cultivar

The name Terakawawase (寺川早生) comes from Terakawa Toshio (寺川俊男), the registrant of this cultivar, and the term ” waseshu” (早生種) which refers to early budding cultivars. It was developed...

The Shunmei Tea Cultivar

Shunmei (春茗, しゅんめい) means “spring tea”. The name implies that it is an early budding tea cultivar. On a warm region, it will bud four to five days earlier...

Stacking Tea Infusions

Stacking infusions means that you re-infuse a given tea and then mix it with a prior infusion. Why do this instead of drinking each infusion separately? One reason might...

The Yutakamidori Tea Cultivar

I hadn’t written about Yutakamidori because it’s not an officially registered cultivar, but it ranks second after Yabukita in terms of cultivated area in Japan. Yutakamidori (ゆたかみどり) means “abundant...

The Harumidori Tea Cultivar

Harumidori (はるみど) means “spring green”. This tea cultivar can be cultivated in all tea producing regions of Japan and thrives in cold weather. It is meant for sencha production....

Wabi Sabi

Wabi sabi (侘び寂び) is a Japanese sense of aesthetics that finds beauty in the natural, imperfect, incomplete, and impermanent. It’s not easy to define, even for the Japanese. But...

The Ryoufuu Tea Cultivar

Ryoufuu (りょうふう, 涼風) means “cool breeze”. This cultivar was developed in Shizuoka prefecture for sencha production. The name comes from the fact that it has a refreshing aroma and...

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