The Book of Korean Tea (Book Review)

The Book of Korean TeaAfter attending the seminar of Fred Yoo about Korean tea at the World Tea Expo, I couldn’t resist buying his book.

I know next to nothing about the subject, so it’s a good addition to my tea book collection.

The first part of the book introduces Korean tea and its culture.

This includes the producing regions, types of Korean tea, etc.

Next the author explains the history and development of tea utensils.

A very interesting thing is that he actually translates two Korean tea classics: “The Story of Tea God” and “In Praise of Korean Tea”.

The section about making Korean tea was my favorite. It’s about harversting, processing and also how to brew Korean tea.

I would have wanted more pictures and a more detailed explanation of the processing, though. But it was a good chapter nevertheless.

At the end, he talks about the different types of Korean tea ceremonies.

I really enjoyed the pictures of the Korean tea ware and also the ancient paintings throughout the book.

If you’re interested, here’s the link to the book in Amazon.



  1. Bettina Wohlleben
    July 25, 2017

    Hi Ricardo, first of all I hope you are feeling better now! おだいじに。Thank you for the book presentation! I were also interested to get more in touch with Korean tea and their way of making tea ceremony. Now I’m also thinking about to buy this book :-).
    By the way I also would like to obtain the the certification of Japanese Tea Advisor some day. Which level of JLPT is necessary to pass the certification of Tea Advisor? I obtained the lowest one N5 some years ago but I take part in private Japanese lessons every week which are held by a native speaker. If possible I also would like to spend some time in Japan once again.Thank you very much for your advise in advance.
    Best regards Bettina

    1. Ricardo Caicedo
      July 25, 2017

      Dear Bettina

      Thank you for your comment.

      For the tea advisor certification while outside Japan, you will receive the books in Japanese and they are quite technical, plus you also have to write the reports in Japanese by hand.

      I think that you might be able to achieve it, if you can read well in Japanese, even if you do so slowly.

  2. Patrick P
    July 26, 2017

    As far as Korean tea books go, this is my personal favorite: The Korean Way of Tea: An Introductory Guide


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